Dr. Ayça Kaya
Internal Medicine Obesity and Metabolic Diseases
Turkey's largest health and health technologies conference with wide participation.
Future Healthcare Istanbul International Conference is preparing to host thousands of participants from different companies and experts for 2 days.
Healthcare system policy makers, the most influential and leading scientists, academics, clinical healthcare professionals with leading roles in the sector, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, speakers with c-level positions in the healthcare industry, healthcare startup business, The Future Healthcare Istanbul International Conference Hospital officials, keynote speakers and leading names in social media, healthcare professionals will attend. Additionally, the conference provides the opportunity to network with hundreds of final-year medical students.
Sponsored brands will take their place in various sectoral channels, digital platforms and social media. Future Healthcare Istanbul Conference is an excellent and successful platform to share futuristic findings and networks with valuable speakers from all over the world.
Internal Medicine Obesity and Metabolic Diseases
Professor, MD. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Spastic Children's Foundation of Turkey, Scientific Committee Member
Professor of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Communications Lead at Roche Turkey
Pediatrician, Dijital Health Futurist, Doctor Follow Co-Founder
General Manager of Veni Vita Health
Biopharma Business Unit Director at AstraZeneca Turkey
Climate Clinic Scientific Board Member of Yuvam Dünya Association, Koc University Faculty of Medicine Division of Pediatric Allergy
Pharma - OTC Sales & Marketing Consultant
Tazefikir Group Founder & Future Healthcare İstanbul CEO
Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Communication Faculty Member
Family Medicine Specialist, Personalised Health Screenings
Neurology Specialist, President of BEYINDER Brain Health Association
General Manager of LifeClub Health
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kurtsan Group, Independent Board and Executive Committee Member of Centurion Pharmaceuticals, Founder of Three D Consulting and Nevofarma Pharmaceuticals
Marketing and Sales Director at Haver Pharmaceuticals
General Manager, Philips Türkiye
Attending physician, University of Dokuz Eylul School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Founder and Board Member, Association of Emergency Health for All
Curea Inc. Health Sciences University Faculty of Medicine
28th Term Member of TBMM Cardiovascular Surgeon
Doctor, Pharmacist
General Surgery Specialist (Peripheral Vascular Surgery)
Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University
CEO Esta Farma
Antalya Belek University Vice Rector
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality President of the Health Department
Academican, Author, Founder of Genomedis Biotechnology
Nutrition and Diet Specialist
Vice Chairman of the Board Polifarma
Antalya Belek University Vice Rector
Open Microphone ‘'Future of Health’'
Member of the Board Türkiye Sağlık Enstitüleri Başkanlığı
Cyber Security in Digital Transformation in Medicine: Strategies for a Sustainable System
Secretary General of Bilgi İletişim Güvenliği Uyum and Siber Dayanıklılık Association; Chairman of Fordefence
Cyber Security in Digital Transformation in Medicine: Strategies for a Sustainable System
28th Term Member of TBMM Cardiovascular Surgeon
Healthy Planet, Healthy People
Dokuz Eylul University Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center; Co-founder of Healysense
AortaSense Pro: AI-driven Hybrid System for Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection Analysis
WeHealth Founder
Who Uses Their Mobile Phone with Factory Settings?
Nutrition Expert
Open Microphone ‘'Future of Health’'
General Practitioner, Medical Doctors and Students Platform Manager
Open Microphone ‘'Future of Health’'
Academican, Author, Founder of Genomedis Biotechnology
Bioscience Based Next Generation Health Approach 4K Applications for a Sustainable Life
Büyülü Dağ Communication Agency Founder
Health Journalism and Pr Studies in Health
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality President of the Health Department
Keynote Speaker
General Manager, Medisa
Journey Beyond Health Insurance with the Power of Digital
General Surgery Specialist (Peripheral Vascular Surgery)
In the Light of Today's Technology: Longevity Concepts
President, American Society for Lifestyle Medicine, Harvard Medical School
The 6 Basic Principles of Lifestyle Medicine
Antalya Belek University Vice Rector
5.0 Where Pharmacy is Running in the Digital Age
Vice Chairman of the Board Polifarma
Being a Woman Leader Changing the World
Doctor, Pharmacist
Digital Transformation in Pharmacy
General Manager, Philips Türkiye
Sustainable Future in Health
Takeda Turkey Immunology Business Lead
Healthier Women, Brighter Future!
Amgen Turkey Value, Access, and Health Policy Manager
Healthier Women, Brighter Future!
Roche Patient Safety Country Cluster Lead, CEETRIS, ME, Africa
Healthier Women, Brighter Future!
Merck Turkey Strategy, Operations, Business Excellence Director
Healthier Women, Brighter Future!
Professor, MD. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Spastic Children's Foundation of Turkey, Scientific Committee Member
Polluted Air and the Future
Keynote Speaker, Author, Founder of Mindfulness Academy
4 Dimensional Meditation Experience | Communication Revolution in Health: The Voice of Leadership and the Power of the Body
Pulmonologist, Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University Faculty of Member
Polluted Air and the Future
Neurologist and Child Neurologist Consultant Neurologist at Spastic Children’s Foundation of Turkey
Polluted Air and the Future
Psychiatrist, Psychoterapist
Emotional Resilience in the New World Order
Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Physiology
Our Lifestyle: Determining Our Health and Your Future
Senior AI Researcher, UCD School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Ireland
The Intelligent Future: Is Artificial Intelligence a Solution or a Danger for Sustainability?
Radiation Therapist , Nişantaşı University Lecturer
Artificial Intelligence in Health: Ethics and Sustainability
Acıbadem University Faculty of Medicine CEO & Founder of Epigenetiks A.S.
Future Medicine: Personalized Health Solutions Using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Omics Data
Professor of Disaster Management Centre and Meteorological Engineering Department at Istanbul Technical University
Climate Change and Health
Climate Clinic Scientific Board Member of Yuvam Dünya Association, American Hospital
How Does the Climate Crisis Affect Our Health?
Climate Clinic Scientific Board Member of Yuvam Dünya Association, Koc University Faculty of Medicine Division
How Does the Climate Crisis Affect Our Health?
Climate Clinic Scientific Board Member of Yuvam Dünya Association, Koc University Faculty of Medicine
How Does the Climate Crisis Affect Our Health?
Education Director of Yuvam Dünya Association
How Does the Climate Crisis Affect Our Health?
Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University
Fasting Mimicking Diet: A New Approach in the Light of Clinical Studies
CEO Esta Farma
Fasting Mimicking Diet: A New Approach in the Light of Clinical Studies
Welcome Speech
Speaker: Çağlar Gözüaçık
Founder of Tazefikir Group
Communication Revolution in Health: The Voice of Leadership and the Power of the Body
Speaker: Erhan Ali Yılmaz - Keynote Speaker, Author, Founder of Mindfulness Academy
Opening Speech
Speaker: Dr. Önder Yüksel Eryiğit, Assistant Professor - Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality President of the Health Department
Fasting Mimicking Diet: A New Approach in the Light of Clinical Studies
Moderator: Çağlar Gözüaçık - Founder of Tazefikir Group
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Murat Baş - Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University
Speaker: Dr. Oğuz Mülazımoğlu - CEO Esta Farma
Future Medicine: Personalized Health Solutions Using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Omics Data
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Uğur Sezerman - Acıbadem University Faculty of Medicine CEO & Founder of Epigenetiks A.S.
Cybersecurity in the Digital Transformation of Medicine: Strategies for a Sustainable System
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Hakkı Muammer Karakaş - Board Member, Turkish Health Institutes
Speaker: Mustafa Sansar - Secretary General of the Information Communication Security Compliance and Cyber Resilience Association; Chairman of the Board, Fordefence
Lunch Break
Secrets of Long and Healthy Life; 360 Degree Health Management
Speaker: Uzm. Dilara Devranoğlu - Specialist Molecular Biologist & Dietitian at Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Speaker: Uzm. Dr. Yıldıray Tanrıver - Oncologist and Medical Director at Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Speaker: Dr. Merve Oflaz - Holistic Medicine and Mesotherapy Physician at Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Sustainable Future in Health
Speaker: Gamze Arbak - General Manager Philips Turkey
Emotional Resilience in the New World Order
Speaker: Doç. Dr Onur Okan Demirci - Psychiatrist, Psychoterapist
6 Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Beth Frates - President, American Society for Lifestyle Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Coffee Break
Digital Transformation in Health
Speaker: Dr. Ecz. Metin Uyar - Doctor Pharmacist, Mia Herba Co-Founder
Longevity Concepts in the Light of Today's Technology
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Murat Aksoy - General Surgery Specialist (Peripheral Vascular Surgery)
5.0 Where Pharmacy is Running in the Digital Age?
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Oğuz Özyaral - Antalya Belek University Vice Rector
Mommy’s Miracle: Breast Milk for a Healthy and Sustainable Future
Speaker: Ecz. Asuman Çakıroğlu - Pharmacist, Founding President of Etkin Eczacılık Derneği
Speaker: Uzm. Ecz. Burcu Onay - Pharmacist, Secretary General of Etkin Eczacılık Derneği
Spekaer: Ecz. Hümeyra Laçin - Pharmacist, Chairman of the Board of Etkin Eczacılık Derneği
Welcome Speech
Speaker: Çağlar Gözüaçık
Founder of Tazefikir Group
Opening Speech
4 Dimensional Meditation Experience
Speaker: Erhan Ali Yılmaz - Keynote Speaker, Author, Founder of Mindfulness Academy
Being a Woman Leader Changing the World
Speaker: Vildan Kumrulu -Vice Chairman of the Board Polifarma
The Intelligent Future: Is Artificial Intelligence a Solution or a Danger for Sustainability?
Speaker: Dr. Polat Göktaş - Senior AI Researcher, UCD School of Computer Science & CeADAR University College Dublin, Ireland
Polluted Air and the Future
Moderator/Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ayşe Rodopman Arman - Professor, MD. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Spastic Children's Foundation of Turkey, Scientific Committee Member
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Çağlar Çuhadaroğlu -
Pulmonologist, Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University Faculty of Member
Speaker: Doç. Dr. Semih Ayta - Neurologist and Child Neurologist, Spastic Children’s Foundation of Turkey, Academic Board Member and Consultant Neurologist
Journey Beyond Health Insurance with the Power of Digital
Speaker: Esra Öge - General Manager, Medisa
Our Lifestyle: Determining Our Health and Your Future
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Nazan Uysal Harzadın - Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Physiology
Artificial Intelligence in Health: Ethics and Sustainability
Speaker: Reyhan Özgüleş - Radiation Therapist, Nişantaşı University, Lecturer
AortaSense Pro: AI-driven Hybrid System for Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection Analysis
Speaker: Assoc.Prof. Serhat Tozburun - Dokuz Eylul University Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center; Co-founder of Healysense
Lunch Break
Bioscience Based Next Generation Health Approach 4K Applications for a Sustainable Life
Speaker: Dr. Sevgi Salman Ünver - Academican, Author, Founder of Genomedis Biotechnology
Who Uses Their Mobile Phone with Factory Settings?
Speaker: Oğuzhan Süral - WeHealth Founder
Climate Change and Health
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mikdat Kadıoğlu - Professor of Disaster Management Centre and Meteorological Engineering Department at Istanbul Technical University
Healthier Women, Brighter Future!
Speaker: Ayşenur Kökenli Paksoy - Merck Turkey Strategy, Operations, Business Excellence Director
Speaker: Ecz. Itır Begüm Sarıoğlu - Roche Patient Safety Country Cluster Lead, CEETRIS, ME, Africa
Speaker: İrem Kıratlıoğlu Sakar - Amgen Turkey Value, Access, and Health Policy Manager
Speaker: Şule Kahveci Sayar - Takeda Turkey Immunology Business Lead
Coffee Break
How Does the Climate Crisis Affect Our Health?
Moderator: Banu Binbaşaran – Education Director of Yuvam Dünya Association
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Cansın Saçkesen – Climate Clinic Scientific Board Member of Yuvam Dünya Association / Koç University Faculty of Medicine
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hasan Bayram - Climate Clinic Scientific Board Member of Yuvam Dünya Association, Koc University Faculty of Medicine Division
Speaker: Dr. Elif Altuğ - Climate Clinic Scientific Board Member of Yuvam Dünya Association, American Hospital
Healthy Planet, Healthy People
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Halit Yerebakan - 28th Term Member of Parliament, Cardiovascular Surgeon
Health Journalism and Pr Studies in Health
Speaker: Yelda Gökdağ Arıkanoğlu - Büyülü Dağ Communication Agency Founder
Open Microphone ‘'Future of Health’'
Moderator: Dr. Necip Fazıl Kartal - General Practitioner, Medical Doctors and Students Platform Manager
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Oğuz Özyaral - Antalya Belek University Vice Rector
Speaker: Dyt. Pınar Demirkaya - Nutrition Expert